Since October 2011 when I wrote my first “must do” list I tried to organise myself to accomplish, let’s call theme, MY DREAMS!!! I wanted to start with a marathon. Big deception!!! Three months after I started training, I stopped! I started to train for the European Masters Swimming Championships! I stopped two weeks after! I wanted to plan my world tour on a bicycle! I failed!
I needed two years to accomplish one of my “musts do”! It happened some weeks ago when I successfully climbed the highest mountain in western Europe, the Mont Blanc (4810m). It’s a great moment of my life! Not only that I succeeded in getting on the roof of Europe, but I also learned a big lesson out there. Surrounded by snow, frozen feet, hardly walking and hardly breathing I was forced to listen my body (which was slowing down), to cooperate and to continue until the end! Wanting big things in short time was probably my biggest flow! That’s why I’ve probably failed in all my other plans. Sometimes we need to take small steps to reach the top! This was the lesson I learned during my first achieved dream! Hope it will help me to accomplish all my other dreams! Cause you know the saying: “When you’re on top of a mountain, keep climbing”