CANCELED for something even grater!!! Stay tuned!!!
I just want to make the big announcement for my big comeback in the swimming pool!!! More than 2 years have past since my last real training. It’s enough I said!!! It’s time to be “flipper” again!!! If Thorpe and Manaudou did it, why couldn’t I do it? So see you soon on the block-starts! This time under a new club: “Club Aquatique Choletais NATATION” or more simple “CAC Natation”. I already started my trainings on 15 of April 2012 and the big objective is to qualify for the 14th European Masters Championships in Eindhoven 2013.
Bravo Artur! Spor la antrenamente si bafta in competitii si sanatate in primul rand…
sunt Jak 😀
Merci domn’ profesor 😉
oho…frumos…succes si spor la pregatiri 🙂